Brochures & Booklets

“LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible” Brochure

The “LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible” brochure was prepared based on the idea that all individuals in society, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, have the right to feel safe and supported in accessing healthcare services. The brochure was prepared with input from public health experts, physicians, specialist social psychologists, clinical psychologists, and activists working in the field of healthcare. The first part of the brochure covers LGBTİ+ terminology, providing accurate information on gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex characteristics for healthcare professionals, as well as the importance of inclusive healthcare services. It then discusses the challenges faced by LGBTI+s in healthcare services, some reasons for seeking healthcare, and the potential consequences of these challenges on LGBTI+s. Additionally, it highlights the negative impact of direct and indirect discrimination on the long-term overall health of LGBTI+s.

The other part of the brochure addresses what is necessary to support LGBTI+s’ access to healthcare services, the role of healthcare providers, and what can be done for the specific health needs of trans people. The brochure emphasizes what healthcare professionals can do to help LGBTI+s feel safe and access healthcare services. Finally, it provides practical recommendations for healthcare professionals to provide inclusive healthcare services and emphasizes the importance of cooperation and consultation with civil society organizations.

“LGBTI+ Inclusive Health is Possible” Brochure:



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