”Coordinated Measures and Mechanisms for Anti-trafficking (COMMIT)”, funded by European Union  and implemented by Refugees Rights Association (RRA), in partnership with Cyprus Turkish Bar Association, Famagusta Youth Centre Association, LTB, Queer Cyprus Association, Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation, Turkish Cypriot Journalists Association, with the associates SOS Children’s Village. The project aims to contribute to efforts to increase knowledge on and generate effective and coordinated response to all forms of THB.


Platform Against Trafficking in Human Beings (PAT)

The Platform Against Trafficking in Human Beings (PAT) is a multi-stakeholder Platform established under COMMIT (Coordinated Measures and Mechanism against THB) project funded by the European Union, to respond effectively to trafficking in human beings in the northern part of Cyprus. The PAT brings several stakeholders together to increase knowledge on and to generate effective and coordinated response against trafficking in human beings (THB) in all its forms. One of the main objectives of the PAT is to establish a sustainable entity with a strategy and an action plan against THB.

Platform Members: Refugee Rights Association, Cyprus Turkish Bar Association, Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation, Kuir Cyprus Association, Famagusta Youth Center, Nicosia Turkish Municipality, Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association, SOS Children’s Village Association, Universal Patient Rights Association, Labor Department, Ministry of International Affairs, Ombudsman (Office of the High Commissioner)

For further information about the project, you can follow Patform Against Trafficking in Human Beings (PAT)